Know Before You Go!
We look forward to your arrival and wish you well in your Recovery.

“Every day is a fresh beginning.
Every morn is the world made anew”
-Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
The following is to help you prepare before arriving.
What You Need to Know Before Admission
Treatment services at Oakdale Recovery Center are voluntary.
It is expected that all persons’ behavior will promote cooperation amongst staff and patients.
Information released regarding your care requires explicit written consent from you. Your presence, admission, and/or discharge without consent may only be released under a bonafide Court Order.
"Patient-to-Patient" Confidentiality
It is essential that all information of a personal nature presented in discussion while at Oakdale, including fellow residents' names and issues, remain strictly confidential.
It is our continuous concern that the environment in which you receive your services is private, comfortable, and, above all, safe.
At the time of admission, all personal belongings will be searched by Oakdale staff. Items that are potentially dangerous to you or others, for instance, hairdryers, curling irons, nail clippers, razors, and electrical personal care items, will be locked in the personal property cabinet for your use as needed.
Oakdale prohibits live visitation for purposes other than scheduled treatment sessions.
Visits via remote access can be arranged with your therapist.
Medication brought into Oakdale is stored upon arrival; all medications ordered on your behalf while admitted remain under the supervision of nursing staff and are administered by Oakdale staff only.
Personal Items
It is strongly recommended that you do not bring items of value (e.g., jewelry, money, electronics, laptops, etc.) with you. The bedrooms do not have locking cabinets for storage. The facility has a safe that can be utilized for expensive items.
Bring and wear comfortable, machine wash, and dryable clothing. Graphics or wording on clothing that may be offensive based on gender, religion, race, etc., and or suggest substance use through pictures, words, or symbols is prohibited.
Patient Rooms
All rooms are single-gender and shared, with an adjoining bathroom between two rooms in most cases. For everyone’s security, room checks are done by Recovery Technicians around the clock.
Bed Linens
Patients are provided with clean linens, sheets, and towels, by our linen service.
Food Service
Meal service is cafeteria-style and served in the Great Room. Oakdale's meals are planned by a registered dietician with the physical consequence of stopping substance use in mind. All food and beverages served are free of caffeine and low in sugar. Prior to arrival, please advise intake staff of special dietary requirements. Food from outside the facility is not allowed.
Daily Schedule
Breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. Groups begin at 8:30 a.m. and are scheduled throughout the day, with breaks for meals, socialization, and rest. Lights are off in bedrooms by 11:00 p.m.
Telephone Usage
Patient telephone use is restricted to break times; cell phones are stored for purposes of confidentiality and safety. You may request to use your cellphone and it will be retrieved for you during designated break times.
Oakdale provides a clothes washer and dryer for the care of your clothing; detergent and dryer sheets are provided.
Tobacco Use
The use of all tobacco products is prohibited inside Oakdale and outside within 6 feet of any entrance or window. Outdoor breaks are scheduled to accommodate tobacco habits. We strongly encourage consideration to stop tobacco use; all patients with nicotine addiction are required to participate in a weekly tobacco cessation group activity. Additional information and assistance, gum, patches, etc. are available. Please be courteous to non-smokers.